DomainKIng Domain Reseller for WHMCS Integration

Once you have purchased the Domain Reseller package you can start reselling domains in your WHMCS system. This article will run you through preparing your WHMCS system to do so.

Installation of Registrar Module

  1. Login to DomainKing Client Area.

  2. Navigate to Client Area > Domains > Reseller Area.

  1. In the opened page on the top navigation bar select Settings.

  2. Once the Settings page has loaded, scroll down to the Integrations section at the bottom of the page.

  3. On the right side of “DomainKing Domain Reseller Module” press download.
    • Leave this window open, it will be needed at a later step.
      • You can enter your WHMCS IP address in “Allowed IP Addresses” to restrict API calls to your WHMCS instance only. This is an additional security measure.
  4. The downloaded file should be extracted. The archive should contain a directory named "modules".
  5. The extracted directory has to be uploaded to your WHMCS root directory.
    • WHMCS directory has to contain modules directory already.
    • If prompted that directory exists, select overwrite.
    • It won't remove your current modules but will append a new registrar module with already preset ones.
  6. Once the "DomainKing Domain Reseller module" has been uploaded, login to your WHMCS admin area.
  7. Navigate to Setup > Products/Services > Domain Registrars.
  8. Find “DomainKing Domain Reseller Module” press the “Activate” button on the right side.
  9. Once the module has been activated, click "Configure" on the right side.
  10. If you have left the “Reseller Area” window open in step 5 you will need “API Email Address” and “API Key” from there.
  11. Copy values from “Reseller Area” to your WHMCS in the fields below of the enabled registrar module.
    • API Email Address > API Username
    • API Key -> API Key
    • Press Save Changes
  12. Continue navigating to Setup > Products/Services > Domains Pricing.
  13. Set up TLD's you want to resell and set Auto Registration to "DomainKingDomainResellerModule".
    • You can check available TLD’s for resellers in DomainKing WHMCS Domains > Reseller Area > Pricing.
  14. After setting up TLD’s you would want to resell, press on Open Pricing for each TLD and set the prices you will resell domains at to your end customer.
  15. Once done setting up prices, scroll down and press Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

DomainKing Domain Reseller Integration is completed.

Enabling access to previously owned domains via reseller platform

There's a way to import previously created domain names on DomainKing to your WHMCS/Blesta or API integration.

Login to DomainKing Client Area.

Navigate to Client Area > Domains > Reseller Area

In opened Dialog Box select all domains you want to access through the reseller platform and press Assign.

Now previous domains will be available for access via the Domain Reseller platform.

Optional Step For WHMCS

In case the domain needs to be added to your WHMCS, just create an order for the domain without registration or transfer action initiated.

Open created Domain you want to access through the reseller platform, fill in the domain name, and select registrar HostafricaDomainResellerModule.


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